Hey all.. Chaunna Brooke here!

You know, I didn't always run a profitable online business and you're probably wondering "why listen to her?" So, I just wanted to give a little more information on how Justin (my husband) and I became so successful with our internet business. We currently both work form home and live fully from internet businesses brining in 5 figured a month.  BUT as you know... everyone's got to start somewhere and we started at DEAD BROKE!

Seriously! Read on to find out how we got to where we are today...

"Please, please, please can I quit my job?"

“Please, please, please can I quit my job (at Wendy’s) and work fulltime from home?” - That's what my husband begged me for back in January of 2006. At the time, I was in college finishing up my Bachelors in Elementary Ed, Working fulltime, AND we had a 3-year-old son. WOW… what a time to quit your day job and work from home.

Well, I’m not quite sure how he talked me into it, but that following week, Justin quit his job, and I started worrying. His plan was to start building sites for local businesses and then make his money as a Webmaster. Well, it didn’t take him long to realize he was still working for someone else and dealing with even bigger headaches than just flipping burgers.

From there, he got into affiliate marketing and running his own internet business… and we went 5 months before he made a single dollar! Just as I was about to give in and beg him to get another “J-O-B” he started to bring in some income – well it wasn’t paying all the bills, but it was some success for all his hard work! This was about the time where I graduated and we moved to the east coast where I got a teaching job.

The "Big Break" everyone hopes for...

Soon after, Russell Brunson  - the host of the 100 Million Dollar Challenge - posted a position for a free internship. Russell was looking for someone to come to small office projects and in return you would see the behind the scences of how he runs his internet business... well, Justin jumped all over the opportunity. He found personal phone numbers, cell numbers, office number and call each and every one of them to make sure they knew he wanted that position - let me just pop in and tell you that during this time I was working and had no clue what he was up to.

Later that day, he picked me up from work and asked if we could go out to dinner because he "wants to talk." Mann, was I a nervous wreck on the way there - I wasn't sure what trouble we were in.... When we got to dinner he had this smirk across his face that he just couldnt get rid of (so at least I knew it wasn't a bad "talk" that I was headed into (whew).

At dinner he starts off with, "so what if I told you that a multi-millionaire, a "big Dog" in the internet marketing world was going to teach me how to make more money with my business for free?"

Was he serious?

His face lit up, a grin spread across his face, and his cheeck rose like a kid seeing his first bike on Christmas.... "Well," he says, "Russell Brunson is looking for an intern to go to his office for 30 days and learn everything from him - and all I'd have to do is some small project..."

So, you mean - you want to leave here and go there for 30 DAYS?!?!?! - was my immediate response - I hadn't even thought about how we'd pay two sets of bills. I did see that he really wanted this and so that night we started planning how it would all work out so that he could take the internship with Russell.

The internship finally came, and Justin was off to Boise Idaho. In just the first week he doubled the income from our website using simple techniques Russell taught him. For each week following, the website continued to double in income as Justin continued to implement the lessons Russell shared.

After Learning Hands On From Russell Brunson

When he returned from the internship, Justin started building more websites and making more money. He'd build up the sites using the basics that Russell taught him and then sell them to other marketers that wanted to build them up more... (this is how we got into website flipping) and started up SiteFlipAcademy. Justin would build up websites and flip them so we could take a 4-day trip to the Keys, and road trips to hang out with college buddies for a weekend.

I got so tired of waking up at 6 am to head to work and Justin telling me he made my entire two-week pay check in just one night. Things started going so well that in the Summer of 2007, I quit teaching and starting learning what he knew so that I could be by his side to run the biz.

That’s the time we started seeing REAL success in running an internet business. We moved up to Idaho so that we could work closer with Russell Brunson and continue learning from his experiences. Justin has made us tens of thousands of dollars with the experience and knowledge that Russell has shared with us. Does that mean you are now guaranteed to make tens of thousands? That’s up to you to have the same burning blind desire to succeed that Justin had and apply what Russell teaches you in the 100 Million Dollar Challenge.

My greatest wish is that Russell Brunson will change someone’s life and help get them the blessed life he has given us. Everything you need is here…100 Million Dollar Challenge